A touching moment between a father and son at the Melbourne Cricket Ground (MCG) has taken social media by storm, highlighting the admiration for India's cricketing icon Virat Kohli. In the viral video, the father shares an emotional experience with his son as he introduces him to Kohli for the very first time. He enthusiastically describes the cricketing legend as “the best batsman in the whole world,” while they observe Kohli honing his skills in the nets in preparation for the highly anticipated Boxing Day Test during the ongoing Border-Gavaskar Trophy.
The father, pointing towards Kohli who was batting at the farthest net, says, “Alright, so, Jamie, look over there, you see that fourth batsman right at the end? His name is Virat Kohli. He’s the best batsman in the whole world.”
Kohli, meanwhile, was working on his technique by practicing leaving balls outside the off-stump — a sight that will likely remain etched in the young boy’s memory for years to come.
This touching interaction highlights Kohli's global influence and his standing as one of the most iconic cricketers in the world. His ability to inspire fans transcends borders, and in Australia, he is often regarded as the “most Australian non-Australian cricketer” for his aggressive playing style and unmatched confidence. Kohli’s tenacity and leadership have made him a household name Down Under, particularly during India’s Test series.
Kohli's formVirat Kohli has been going through a rough patch, however, and he will be aiming to make a strong comeback in Melbourne. The batter did smash an unbeaten century in the first Test in Perth, but has since failed in three innings across two Tests.
For Kohli, this tour may be among his last visits to Australia for a Test series. He has a rich history in the country, having scored his first Test century here in 2012 and captaining India for the first time in 2014.
Kohli has scored 316 runs in three Tests at the MCG at an average of 52.67, including three fifties and a memorable 169 in 2014. As India head into the crucial fourth Test of the series, tied at 1-1, fans will be hoping Kohli can deliver once again at the iconic venue.
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